
117 Aurifontina Chymica: or, a collection of fourteen small treatises concerning the first matter of philosophers, for the discovery of their (hitherto so much concealed) Mercury. Which many have studiously endeavoured to hide, but these to make manifest, for the benefit of Mankind in general. 24° London: for William Cooper 1680 Ferguson Young Nat Union Cat Wisconsin Wellcome [Contains:-
1. Hydropyrographum Hermeticum.
2. The Privy Seal of Secrets, which Upon pain of Damnation is not unadvisedly to be broken up, nor Revealed to any but with great Care, and many Cautions.
3. A Letter Communicated by the most Serene Prince Frederick Duke of Holsatia and Sleswick, Concerning an Adept, and Relates things strange and unheard-of.
4. A Treatise of Mercury and the Philosophers Stone. By Sir George Ripley.
5. Colours to be observed in the Operation of the Great Work.
6. Thesaurus, Sive Medicina Aurea: A plain and true Description of the Treasure of Treasures, or the Golden Medicine.
7. Tractatus de Lapide, Manna Benedicto, &c.
8. Nicolas Flammell’s Summary of Philosophy.
9. Clavicula, or, A little Key of Raymond Lullie, Majoricane; Which is also called Apertorium, (the Opener) In which all that is required in the Work of Alchymy Is plainly declared.
10. Secrets Disclos’d. One Friend to another, as Bloomfield suppose, The Philosophers Stone the Secrets doth disclose.
11. A Philosophical Riddle.
12. The Answer of Bernardus Trevisanus, to the Epistle of Thomas of Bononia, Physician to K. Charles the 8th.
13. The Prefatory Epistle of Bernard Earl of Tresne, to the noble Doctor and most learned Philosopher Thomas of Bononia.
14. A brief Rehearsal of the Preparation of the Philosophers Stone.]