A020. An alchemist, possibly Irenaeus Philalethes, in his laboratory. From Pyrotechnia ofte Vuur-stook-Kunde, Amsterdam, 1687. |

A025. Woodcut from Hieronymus Braunschweig Das Buch zu distillieren, Strassburg, 1519. |

A026. Engraved frontispiece from Moses Charas Neu-erfahrne Proben von der Viper... , Frankfurt, 1679. |

A037. Woodcut from Lazarus Ercker Beschreibung allerfurnemisten mineralischen Ertzt unnd Bergkwercks arten, Frankfurt, 1598. |

A049. Frontispiece from Johann Gottfried Kiessling, Relatio practica Leipzig, 1752. |

A053. Frontispiece Johann Georg Schmid, Der von Mose u. denen Propheten übel urtheilende Alchymist Chemnitz, 1706. |

A085. Count Cajetani and Baron von Klettenberg dispute in an alchemical garden Besondere Curieuses Entrevue, 1721. |

A086. Frontispiece engraving from Urban Hjärne Actorum Chemicorum Holmiensium, 1753 |

A106. Woodcut from Hieronymus Brunschweig Das Buch zu distillieren, [1517.] |

A107. Engraving from work of Giovanni Battista Diana Paleologo (1656-1744). |

A119. Frontispiece from C.F. Sabor Practica naturae vera, 1721. |

A122. 17th century engraving of distillation apparatus. |

A124. Frontispiece from Jean Beguin, Tyrocinium chymicum, 1660 |

A141. Engraving one from Michelspacher Cabala: Spiegel der Kunst und Natur, 1615. |
A150. Emblem 2 from Barchusen, Elementa chemiae, Leiden, 1718. |
A152. From titlepage of J.B. Van Helmont Opera Omnia, Franckfurt, 1682. |

A159. Engraving from Christian Friedrich Sendimir von Siebenstern Chymischer Monden-schein, Frankfurt, 1739. |

A164.Engraving from Nicolas Le Fèvre, Chymischer Handleiter, und guldnes Kleinod, Nurnberg, 1676. |

A176. Thomas Charnock's furnace from a manuscript, 16th century. |

A178. Engraving by Abraham Bosse La calcination Solaire de l'antimoine (Calcination of antimony by sunlight.) |

A182. Woodcut from Bartholomaeus, Anglicus Le proprietaire des choses, Lyon 1490. |

A189. Enraving from Johann Christoph von Ettner Des getreuen Eckharts Entlauffener Chymicus, Augsburg, 1697. |

A190.Woodcut from Hortus Sanitatis, Strasbourg c. 1497. |

A191.Engraved frontispiece from Giambattista della Porta, Magiae naturalis libri vigenti, Leiden 1644. |

A196.Woodcut from Brunschwygt, Liber de arte distillandi, Strasbourg, 1500. |

A199.Engraving from C Gesner, The Practice of the New and Old Physicke, London, 1599. |

A200.Engraving from C Gesner, The Practice of the New and Old Physicke, London, 1599. |

A201.Engraving from C Gesner, The Practice of the New and Old Physicke, London, 1599. |

A204.Woodcut from Annibal Barlet, Le vray et methodique cours... Paris, 1651. |

A207. |

A208.Fictuld, Herman. Azoth et Ignis. Leipzig, 1749.

A209.Engraving from Fictuld, Herman. Azoth et Ignis. Leipzig, 1749. |

A215.Frontispeice engraving from Adolph Christoph Bentz Philosophische Schau-Bühne Nurnberg, 1706. |

A220.Engraved frontispiece Falscher und wahrer Lapis Philosophorum, Frankfurt, 1752. |

A224.Woodcut title page from Hieronymus Braunschweig,
Distilierbuch der rechten Kunst, 1552. |

A226.Frontispiece from Theatrum Sympateticum Amsterdam, 1727. |