
Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1445. I. 1. Ripley's Compend of Alchemy.
2. 'Celum Philosophorum' a scheme of the planetary orbs, and the twelve signs, with alchemical verses and mottos in and about the circles.
3. 'Here beginithe the Vade Mecum of the venerable Raymunde Lully, a compende of the art'.
4. 'A tract on 'Menstrues' collected from Lully and others.
5. 'The worke of Senior Mireris'.
6. 'The Newe Light of Arnold de Villa Nova'.
7. 'Of the fowre mastryes of this arte, scilicet solucion and congelacion, albifaction and rubifaction'.
II. 'Sir Thomas Norton's Ordinal of Alchemy'.
III. Various recipes.
IV. 'The Goulden Booke of Roger Bacon, of those thinges where on we werke in ye worke of sublimation'.
V. 1. 'Blomfeildes Blossoms'.
2. 'The best ferment of Raymond Lullye'.
3. Alchemical verses.
4. The poem called 'Pater Sapientiae'.
5. The Vision of Johannes Daustian.
6. Verses on the red and the white elixir.
7. 'Elixer Arnoldi de Villa Nova'.
8. 'A Practike'.
9. 'I am Mercury the mighty flos florum'.
VI. 1. 'A treatise in English verse uppon ye philosophers stone, written by Edward Cradocke'.
2. 'The argument betweene Morien the father and Merlin the sonne, how the philosophers stone should be wrought'.
VII. 1. 'A Dreame', or a discourse btween a Disciple, Reason and Knowledge, concerning the secrets of Nature, and the philosopher's stone'.
2. 'Certain chimycall workes, wth ye true practise, gathered unto a true method and turned into verse [by Edward Nowell].
3. The process of making the philosophers stone.
4-18. Various alchemical pieces.
VIII. A. 'Cantilena Georgii Riplaei'.
B. An imperfect alchemical poem, beginning 'I haveinge experience of things worldly'.
C. 1. The praise of Mercury.
2. Alchemical fragment in prose.
D. 1. English verses headed 'Non potest mens intellectualis, semperiternae fruitionis habere consortium, si aut cognitio fuerit sine amore, aut amor sine cognitione'.
2. Verses of Pearce of the Black Monk, upon the elixir.
E. 'Thomas Charnocks Breviary. The seventh and last chapter'.
F. 'Charnocke his true similitude'.
G. 'Other noates collected from Tho Charnock's owne handwriting'.
H. 'Cantilena Georgii Ripley de lapide philosophorum'.
I. Alchemical verses including 'Piearcie the Black Monke'.
K. 'De vita, aetate ac scripsis Johannis Dastin'.
L. 'Antitheton' trigenta trium alchemicorum collectio'.