View single post by Nisaba
 Posted: Tue Jun 2nd, 2009 10:45 pm
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Joined: Mon Jun 1st, 2009
Posts: 21
Skyrider1776 wrote: You know, I've "lost" only one card from my horde of decks.  The Pearls of Wisdom Deck, is missing the Knight of Wands.  This happened this past fall, and I have searched EVERYWHERE for it.  I certainly don't think about it every week, but when I clean my space (the living room of our home), I am always puzzled.  I know it will turn up when I am not looking (don't they always?):ok; however, now I wonder if the missing Knight of Wands means something. 
I really recommend pulling out every single Knight Wands from all your other decks, arranging them together on a table, and looking at them very carefully for some time.

I can't tell you what to look for - the lesson and the insight is yours, not mine.

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