View single post by jamaha
 Posted: Fri Apr 24th, 2009 05:26 am
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Joined: Sat Jan 3rd, 2009
Location: Alberta Canada
Posts: 2
Hello friends:

I replied for the first time in another thread and realized that although I've been reading through the forums here and there I've never introduced myself.
I make my very humble living as an artist and have been studying tarot and astrology for a few years now. I have adored Tarot since my teens and was thrilled to finally study in earnest.  I am fascinated by the language of tarot and of course the visual aspect. My biggest decision will be how to incorporate all I study with my artwork. 
I have the full intention in not too long of taking Mr. Macleans courses as I am most attracted Western esoteric traditions particularly Christian Hermeticism and the Alchemic tradition.
I love all beautiful decks and own fewer than I did a couple of years ago when I began giving away many that did not resonate with me.  I find, maybe because I am an artist, the visual quality of decks is profoundly meaningful.
My very favorites are Robert Place's Alchemical and Saints decks, Kat Black's Golden and Touchstone. My deep study has been with the Universal Waite but because I'm reading Meditations on the Tarot now I'm fascinated with learning what came before Waite.

I am constantly combing the tarot sites for decks and images and don't buy nearly as many as I should. 

Nice to "meet" you all.


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