View single post by 6 Haunted Days
 Posted: Fri Jan 23rd, 2009 03:31 am
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6 Haunted Days

Joined: Sun Dec 2nd, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 174
I am so glad you "get" why I was anxious about having 2 cards missing! I was a bit hesitant to post my dramatic feelings, fearing others would think me "odd".

But we are an odd bunch about our decks, aren't we? :ro

Also, when I have lost or damaged cards from a deck I have, and am so-so about, it's not a huge drama. But a brand new deck?! And one I instantly fell in love with and felt a very deep connection with?


LOL! Anyways, it was not a good feeling. But Anna was and is just wonderful and so warm and friendly. She was so worried I would be upset! I was upset, but not AT her. I know she put them all together by hand.....what a ton of work that would be.

I also get lost in The Moon card! It has such a lucious glittery darkness to it. The way that image makes me feel changes in different readings too!

Sometimes it appears dark and foreboding, like I am getting lost with no hope. Other times the darkness and the moonlight glinting on the water makes me feel safe, calm and on the right path.

Yes, the Anna K is amazing!


Last edited on Fri Jan 23rd, 2009 03:34 am by 6 Haunted Days

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