View single post by lysistrate
 Posted: Tue Jan 20th, 2009 02:53 am
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Joined: Mon Jan 19th, 2009
Posts: 5
Skyrider1776 wroteYesterday I happened upon Adam McClean's Tarot Blog and found the Anna K. Tarot,  with scans of two of her cards.  I went immediately to her site and loved what I saw. I've ordered her deck.  Thank you, Adam, for being such a resource for Tarot. "


I'm new here and was just strolling through the forum. I'm not a big collector, but I tried to find the  Anna K Tarot, because you wrote about it and it was also quite on top of Vgimlets wishlist.  I  had to google for it, but it was worth it. I'll definitely order a deck. Thank you for mentioning it!

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