View single post by truelighth
 Posted: Thu May 7th, 2009 01:52 pm
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Joined: Tue Oct 9th, 2007
Posts: 1069
Arnell, wonderful card! I also like the story behind it. It is cool that you could put your parents in a church this way. When I see this card, I will always think about your story.:ok


And totally unrelated to the cards:

gregory wrote:
Back to that bit of rope that is annoying me.....
I dunno, Gregory. But when reading this while seeing your avatar, I got this image of a blue cat being all entangled in a piece of rope, while trying to free itself. The cat it that vision being you of course...:cl

Last edited on Thu May 7th, 2009 01:54 pm by truelighth

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