View single post by Skyrider1776
 Posted: Thu Jan 15th, 2009 02:24 am
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Joined: Wed Jan 14th, 2009
Location: Poughkeepsie, New York USA
Posts: 22
I got my first Tarot deck around 1970.  It was the JJ Swiss.  To make a long story short, I picked up Tarot some 30 years later with Ellen Cannon Reed's The Witches Tarot. 

I haven't counted my decks, recently, but I would guess there are close to 200.  My serious collecting (or addiction as my family and friends call it), began about two years ago.  I have long since bypassed the larger publishers, and am really interested in self-published and/or out of print decks.  Recently, I was able to snag Clive Barrett's Egypiain Tarot, The William Blake Tarot by Ed Buryn and the Glastonbury Tarot.  I also have R.J. Stewart's Dreampower and Merlin Tarots.

I love the Maat Tarot by Julie Cuccia Watts and received her latest addition, The Maat Activity book, for Christmas.  I have the Maat Deck and Book , the Ancestral Path Deck and Book and the Blue Moon Tarot. 

Yesterday I happened upon Adam McClean's Tarot Blog and found the Anna K. Tarot,  with scans of two of her cards.  I went immediately to her site and loved what I saw. I've ordered her deck.  Thank you, Adam, for being such a resource for Tarot.  I spent time reading your entire blog yesterday, and today I am here registering with the Tarot Collectors Forum.

When I am organized, I hope to take stock of all my decks.  In the meantime, I know I will be learning A LOT here and contributing as well.

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