View single post by 6 Haunted Days
 Posted: Thu Feb 5th, 2009 04:55 am
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6 Haunted Days

Joined: Sun Dec 2nd, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 174
Tansey wrote: I just found this forum thanks to a link Ashes  had on her site.  This feels like a candy store to me :hp.
 I have just started collecting in earnest, as I say.  I hope to leave my little collection to my granddaughters one day.  I doubt I will ever have anything worth a lot of money but they can keep them or sell them.
I will have to get all my computer equipment working before I can scan anything and put it up. For now I am enjoying all the discussion. 
 Carry on.

Welcome Tansey! :D Isn't collecting a pure joy? I read as well, but just looking through my collection and all the art gives me endless pleasure!

I've slowed way way down. There are decks I want, but many haven't been published yet or are out of my price range at the moment. :D

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