View single post by 6 Haunted Days
 Posted: Thu Jan 22nd, 2009 09:42 pm
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6 Haunted Days

Joined: Sun Dec 2nd, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 174
Skyrider1776 wrote: Oh, you won't be disappointed.  I've had the deck for a few days now, and I am seriously thinking of ordering a 2nd one.  What is keeping me hooked and collecting decks is the fact that when they go out of print (OOP), they can cost hundreds of dollars to obtain.  If a deck has artistic merit, like Anna's does, when it goes out of print it will be impossible to get, ever again.  If you do find it, it will empty your bank account!

I so whole-heartedly agree! I received my Anna K about 3 weeks ago and it is now my main reading deck, I can't get enough of the images and how they speak to me.

Like an intimate friend with secrets. It's funny, when I opened the deck up and carefully looked through each card, the 4 & 10 of Swords were missing!

Just yesterday I got the missing cards from Anna, I was getting very anxious not having that "complete" deck, you know? Feels very unsettingly :?

So with a sigh of relief I placed the new cards among their seperated friends and shuffled them in. All is right with their world now! I definately want a 2nd copy, since she's only printed 500 decks, they will at some point run out. And they seem to be very popular! But $$ is extremely tight now, so it will have to be well in the future!

If not, no biggie. I have my deck with me, that's all I need.

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