View single post by Mr. la-luna
 Posted: Wed May 6th, 2009 11:43 am
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Mr. la-luna

Joined: Sat Sep 8th, 2007
Location: Aalst, Belgium
Posts: 525
Arnell schreef: Since my Mom had an (unrealized) dream of being married in an enchanting setting, for the 4 of Wands, I transported my parents to a lovely Cathedral in Italy. My sister would prolly kill me if she saw that I made us the fat little cherubs hovering above whilst waiting to be born. 4 Sunflower stalks adding a bit of Wands energy to a rather Waite-Smith inspired scene.


This is my final card for our deck. And if it’s okay with Skad1 and Blue Toy, I will send my 2 completed cards as 300 dpi tiffs in the 3 x 4.5 size to Blue Toy? Thanks again for doing all that work for us. This is such a fun project. I’m looking forward to seeing all the cards!!


Arnell I love your card :ok

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