View single post by skad1
 Posted: Thu May 7th, 2009 12:06 am
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Joined: Thu Sep 20th, 2007
Location: Dallas, Texas USA
Posts: 1255
gregory wrote: Oh sheesh. How soon you need LWB stuff ? That I guess I could do from Canada though..... It's image uploads that are more or less ***** !

Well, not any sooner than the cards, I guess.  Especially now that I posted the note about "a few" words, "limited space" and "fit into 2.5 x 3 space"  or something like that. 

And we do have ALMOST 2 months to finish.  I liked it better when it was over 2 months, even that one day when I said we had 2 months.  But now it's only ALMOST 2 months!

:m   :c  no more time to  :rr

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