View single post by aurarcana
 Posted: Sun Feb 21st, 2010 08:50 pm
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Joined: Fri Jan 8th, 2010
Location: New Jersey USA
Posts: 44

I am new to this forum, but post a lot on Aeclectic.

* waves *

I've been lurking here and there and have been hesitant to join a lot of forums, but I enjoy reading some of the threads here, and plan on adding to them too.

dee wrote:
Hi everyone.

Is there a place where you can say Hi, Introduce your self and say how you got your first Tarot Deck:? I hope ok to ask.

Thanks dee

My first Tarot deck was the Aquarian Tarot and the first one that was given to me and passed on, was the Hoi Palli. My mother gave it to me and it is quite special as it was her first deck (which came to me well used and loved :ok).

Last edited on Sun Feb 21st, 2010 08:53 pm by aurarcana

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