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Tarot Collectors Forum > Trading and Exchange > Members Want List > ISO Weiser Thoth "VI Lovers" card

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13TH Tribesman

Joined: Sun Oct 18th, 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 35
Happily I managed to acquire a copy of the White Box A Thoth deck (Weiser '69) a short while ago. In most respects I was delighted with the sellers description, but checking through it again discovered that VI The LOVERS card was missing, and another of the 'perfect' cards had a wicked little crease on it.

Well, nothing to be done really, I think it was a genuine mistake and so I am on a quest...does anyone have an incomplete Weiser Thoth deck with cards in nice condition with which they might consider parting? I'd happily take what you have in totem, or just the Lovers card (and possibly a replacement for the 'dodgy' creased one...)

I suppose too that I'd be interested in any complete decks of the same year and publisher too, whether in great or not so great condition - if in not so great condition then I would wish that the Lovers card would be in good shape.

As you can see, like the Russian Ballet, I am almost infinitely flexible...

Please PM me if any of the above options resonates and I shall commence negotiations...

My sincere thanks,



Joined: Wed Sep 12th, 2007
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Try AT. There is a lost singles thread there where the most amazingly improbable cards are found and traded !

13TH Tribesman

Joined: Sun Oct 18th, 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 35
Thank you kindly
Hope you're well

Last edited on Fri Jul 16th, 2010 12:23 pm by 13TH Tribesman

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