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A Stirling Maxwell Seminar

Cosmos, man, and their musical interrelation in Robert Fludd’s visual symbolism

Luca Guariento, University of Glasgow

Tuesday, 5th February 2013, 5pm.

Attached Image (viewed 156 times):


Paul Ferguson

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I sent Luca a little packet of stuff a couple of years back, including my translation of 'Music of the Spheres' and scans of Fludd's music in the Beinecke. I had made a start on transcribing Fludd's music and with Adam had even done a synthesizer recording to go with the book but Luca with his musicological background was presumably able to tidy things up a bit.

Anyway, it would seem that old Fluddy finally had a world premiere at the 2011 Gregynog Festival:

Last edited on Wed Feb 6th, 2013 12:20 am by Paul Ferguson

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