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Joined: Fri Sep 14th, 2007
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I only just discovered this very early alchemical emblem contained in Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal MS 2872 (Marquis de Paulmy) dated as after 1361, The image is on folio 416. The title 'La pierre des philosophes' appears in the text after this coloured miniature.

It is rather interesting as it creates a parallel between the central image and the image on the right.

The central image is of a red sun in the heavens sending down red drops onto a white egg like form on the ground which seems to be sending up white drops towards the sun.

The female figure on the right appears to be collecting her red blood and white milk into two basins which she holds to her breasts.

This is very early symbolic alchemy.

Attached Image (viewed 951 times):

Bib Arsenal MS 2872.jpg


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Another miniature from the same manuscript, on f401v, shows two philosophers standing in front of a little castellated vessel set on a hill which has two trees growing out of it - the left one bearing red fruits, while the right has white. On the hill below the trees are a red lion and a white. The adept on the left appears to be handing a key to the other philosopher.

Attached Image (viewed 965 times):

Bib Arsenal MS 2872 F401v.jpg


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Folio 467v from this manuscript shows a more physical alchemy with the work being heated to putrefaction in the upper image, then various distillations taking place.

The imagery in this manuscript is reminiscent of the style of the Aurora consurgens manuscript in Zurich.

Attached Image (viewed 919 times):

Bib Arsenal MS 2872 F467v.jpg

Alexander Guthrie Stewart

Joined: Sat Feb 16th, 2008
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That is a nice find.  Looking at the bottom picture, I suggest that the clothing agrees with post-1361, perhaps more like 1380's to 1400, if not a smidgen later. 

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