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USC - Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute (EMSI)
Alchemy and Economy: Circulations of Value in Early Modern Europe

Friday, September 17, 2010 all day
Huntington Library, Overseer's Room
9:00-9:30 am Registration and Coffee

Session One: 9:30a - 12:00p
Chair: Tara Nummedal, Brown University

Vera Keller, USC
"Perfecting the State: Alchemical Views of Progress in Politics, 1575-1625"

Carl Wennerlind, Barnard
"Alchemy and Credit: The Quest for Infinite Improvement"

Ted McCormick, Concordia
"The Economics of Alchemy and the Alchemy of Economics: Two Hartlibian Deployments of Transmutation"

Session Two: 1:00p - 3:30p
Chair: Bruce Moran, University of Nevada

Margaret Garber, California State Univ., Fullerton
"Curious Commodities: Routes of Chymical Exchange in the Holy Roman Empire: 1670-1700"

Andre Wakefield, Pitzer
"Matter, Mechanism and Monads: The Leibnizian Challenge"

Lydia Barnett, Stanford

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