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Tom Willard

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Does anyone know about the International Conference, scheduled to be held in Los Angeles in October, or about the group organizing it?

Paul Ferguson

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Tom Willard wrote:
Does anyone know about the International Conference, scheduled to be held in Los Angeles in October, or about the group organizing it?

Take a look at the list of speakers and draw your own conclusions:

...though I must say that Dr. Theresa Ibis looks pretty hot ;)

Alexander Guthrie Stewart

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I think it belongs in the file marked "new age" rather than serious students of historical alchemy. 

Paul Ferguson

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Seems to be a Dennis Hauck thing. He's the guy behind Flamel College:

Alexander Guthrie Stewart

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I thought it looked like the International Alchemy Guild:

I'm afraid I can't see as much of a link to Flamel college, or were they started at similar times and have diverged somewhat?

Paul Ferguson

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Alexander Guthrie Stewart wrote:
I thought it looked like the International Alchemy Guild:

I'm afraid I can't see as much of a link to Flamel college, or were they started at similar times and have diverged somewhat?

"Hauck is an instructor in the Alchemy Home Study Program and conducts Alchemy Initiation Tours tours to Egypt, India, and Europe. He is also an instructor at Flamel College and serves on the Board of Governors of the International Alchemy Guild as the "Solar President."

Alexander Guthrie Stewart

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Does that mean he is the person driving it, or presiding over it?  I'm afraid I find the incestuousness rather confusing. 

Paul Ferguson

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Alexander Guthrie Stewart wrote:
Does that mean he is the person driving it, or presiding over it?  I'm afraid I find the incestuousness rather confusing. 

I also am not clear about the ramifications. It seems to be a collaboration between a group surrounding Hauck and a group surrounding this guy:

"Gudni "Ged" was born as: Baron Gudni "Ged" Halldor Gudnason Von Thoroddsen, Knight of the Eagle Vale Clan, a Baron in the lineage of King Valdimar Valdimarson of Denmark (1000 AD).

Initiated into the lineage of King Salomon with priesthood powers from high Priest Melchizedek, (this was done in the Great Pyramid of Giza) guardian of the secret of the Holy Grail and authorized to do the work by the Hierarchy of Light in all manner with the highest powers given to a human..."

who usually goes by the name of Gudni Gudnason.

They seem harmless enough, but I would suggest that their activities are what sound engineers call 'noise' as opposed to the 'signal' that this Discussion Forum is concerned with.

Paul Ferguson

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There are a couple of videos on YouTube relating to this conference:

I understand that Ms Ibis has a PhD in physics as well as good bone-structure so this may be worth watching.

Alexander Guthrie Stewart

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Gahhh, I was going to post something longer but pressed the wrong button.

Suffice to say, the youtube videos confirm exactly what I said above. 

She even claims that alchemy has been underground for ages (maybe she has missed the profusion of books, websites etc that have deluged us for the last 150 years)

She wants to bring back the ancient art of alchemy and bring it back into peoples lives.  Which alchemy?  Graeco-Egyptian?  Medieval?  Rennaissance?


Why don't they just admit they are trying to be gnostics, but without that tricky stuff concerning a supreme being?

Apparently alchemy is about synergy. 

And she mentions the law of attraction...


Paul Ferguson

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Alexander Guthrie Stewart wrote:
Gahhh, I was going to post something longer but pressed the wrong button.

Suffice to say, the youtube videos confirm exactly what I said above. 

She even claims that alchemy has been underground for ages (maybe she has missed the profusion of books, websites etc that have deluged us for the last 150 years)

She wants to bring back the ancient art of alchemy and bring it back into peoples lives.  Which alchemy?  Graeco-Egyptian?  Medieval?  Rennaissance?


Why don't they just admit they are trying to be gnostics, but without that tricky stuff concerning a supreme being?

Apparently alchemy is about synergy. 

And she mentions the law of attraction...


She also teaches Kabbalah:

No O-Levels required, but a "22-Strand DNA Activation [is] recommended."

Carl Lavoie

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Now, with the tools handed down through this ancient Kabbalistic lineage, the path to transforming your life while enriching the lives of others is available to the sincere seeker. Traditionally reserved for the few, this initiation is a gift of empowerment passed down through the ages in a direct and unbroken lineage from King Salomon.

The keyword is 'seeker'.

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