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Does anyone know of a transcription of Arnald of Villanova's  Rosarium, either on a web site or in printed form ?
I seem to remember seeing a transcription in a recent French Journal, but do not seem to be able to locate this.

Alan Pritchard

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There appears to be a copy at rexresearch

No information on source


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This is not the Arnald Rosarium, but the English translation I published of the Latin 1550 Rosarium Philosophorum, a different work.


Jose Rodriguez

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I supose you are asking for modern editions in vernacular languages, because there are some different Latin versions printed between 16th and 18th centuries.



1 - Le Rosier alchimique de Montpellier, Lo Rosari (XIVe siecle), traduction, notes et commentaires par Antoine Calvet, 1997, París-Sorbonne U. P., París.  


Here you can find an partial Occitan versión (Practica, but not Theorica) now in BnF, nouvelles acquisitions françaises, ms. 4141, ff. 4-25 (dated ca.1375-1400). The book includes another version. It is an extended French version from Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, ms. 2872, ff. 429v-450v (dated ca.1361-1400).


2 – El Rosario de los Filósofos. Rosarium arnaldi, 1998, Ediciones Índigo, Barcelona.

It is a Spanish version translated from the Latin text printed in Basle by Thomas Zwinger (1533-1588).


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Dear Jose Rodriguez,

Thank you so much for  the information about the Antoine Calvet, 1997, edition.

That is the one I was looking for. I actually have it in my library ! I had thought it was included in a French journal but my memory had failed me.

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