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I have just been reading the long article by Michael Wilding 'A biography of Edward Kelly' in Mystical Metal of Gold edited by Stanton Linden. Over the years I have not especially followed in detail all the recent research and writings about Kelly. Often these seem too rhetorical and take a position on Kelly in advance of research. I found Michael Wilding's article rather interesting, in that he provides substantial quotations from the source material (some well over a page or two in length). This allows the reader to get a glimpse into the sources, rather than as some authors do, merely quote short sentences to propel forward their particular take on Kelly's place in history.

I am still not especially engaged by the Dee-Kelly relationship but I found this article very useful in bringing the source material, on which all the speculation must rest, to the reader's attention.


Last edited on Mon Mar 24th, 2008 10:31 pm by adammclean

Rafal T. Prinke

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adammclean wrote: I have just been reading the long article by Michael Wilding 'A biography of Edward Kelly' in Mystical Metal of Gold edited by Stanton Linden.
Unfortunately, the book seems to be quite difficult to buy (unavailable through amazon etc., not to mention the price). I was looking forward to it ever since it had been announced a few years before publication -- and Michael Wilding's article is of special interest to me. He published "Edward Kelley. A life" (I cite from memory) in _Cauda Pavonis_ so I wondered (and still wonder) if the new article is greatly expanded or just reprinted under a new title?

Alan Pritchard

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Is Cauda Pavonis still running?
The web site is virtually empty; the contact email on the web site just got bounced back; and I have never been able to get any reply from Kate Frost regarding purchasing back issues. I've tried just now, but we'll see.


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This appears to be slighty edited version of the article in Cauda Pavonis, vol 18. nos 1 & 2, 1999.



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