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Paul Ferguson

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Unlocked Books: Manuscripts of Learned Magic in the Medieval Libraries of Central Europe (Magic in History)

by Benedek Láng

"During the Middle Ages, the Western world translated the incredible Arabic scientific corpus and imported it into Western culture: Arabic philosophy, optics, and physics, as well as alchemy, astrology, and talismanic magic. The line between the scientific and the magical was blurred. According to popular lore, magicians of the Middle Ages were trained in the art of magic in "magician schools" located in various metropolitan areas, such as Naples, Athens, and Toledo. It was common knowledge that magic was learned and that cities had schools designed to teach the dark arts. The Spanish city of Toledo, for example, was so renowned for its magic training schools that "the art of Toledo" was synonymous with "the art of magic." Until Benedek Láng's work on Unlocked Books, little had been known about the place of magic outside these major cities. A principal aim of Unlocked Books is to situate the role of central Europe as a center for the study of magic."

About the Author
Benedek Láng is Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

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This has a chapter on alchemy primarily dealing with the alchemical mass of Melchior Cibinensis.

Alan Pritchard

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Is this a reprint of the 2006 Ambix article, do you think?


Paul Ferguson

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Alan Pritchard wrote:
Is this a reprint of the 2006 Ambix article, do you think?


Most of the alchemical chapter of this book (Chapter V), apart from the images, can be viewed on Google Books:

Chapter starts at Page 144.

Last edited on Sat May 1st, 2010 06:58 pm by Paul Ferguson

Carl Lavoie

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Most of the alchemical chapter of this book (Chapter V), apart from the images, can be viewed on Google Books:



The figures 26 & 27 are now visible through this new link (on pages 153 - 154):



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