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Giuseppe Francesco Borri
A cura di Alessandro Boella e Antonella Galli
Pp. 256, 20 disegni, € 24,90

This is the first appearance in print of the most important parts of the 'Libro del Cavalier Borri dove si descrivano molte operazioni de secreti della natura', a manuscript on paper of the XVIII century luxuriously bound and kept in the Royal Library in The Hague.

This formulary, bearing the name of Joseph Francis Borri (1627-1695), the most well-known italian alchemist of the baroque period, clarifies many aspects of the alchemical practice in its therapeutic aspect. It is of remarkable historical and scientific interest.

Compiled by an unknown hand, on the basis of oral or written indications perhaps provided by Borri himself in the last years of his life spent in prisons of Castel Sant'Angelo, this manual includes the preparation of the potable Gold, the famous and coveted Balsamo catholic, of the Heavenly Water (attracting the Universal Spirit), the great Arcana, of various types of essences and Elixir.

Last edited on Wed May 2nd, 2012 04:36 pm by adammclean

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