
688.2 Johann Sigismund ELSHOLTZ. The Curious Distillatory: or, The Art of Distilling Coloured Liquors, Spirits, Oyls, &c. from Vegitables, Animals, Minerals and Metals. A Thing hitherto known by few. Containing many Experiments easy to perform, yet Curious, surprizing, and useful: relating to the production of Colours, Consistence, and Heat, in divers Bodies which are Colourless, Fluid and Cold. Together with several experiments upon the blood (and its serum) of diseased persons, with diverse other Collateral Experiments. Written Originally in Latin by Jo. Sigis. Esholt. put into English by T[homas] S[herley] M.D. Physician in Ordinary to his Majesty. 12° London: printed by J.D. for Robert Boulter 1677 Ferguson Nat Union Cat Wisconsin