
832.2 John FRENCH. The Art of Distillation: or, a Treatise of the Choicest Spagryicall Preparations Performed by way of Distillation. Together with the Description of the Chiefest Furnaces & Vessels Used by Ancient and Moderne Chymists. Also, A Discourse of divers Spagyricall Experiments and Curiosities: And the Anatomy of Gold and Silver, with the Chiefest Preparations and Curiosities thereof; together with their Vertues. All which are contained in VI bookes. Composed by John French Dr. of Physick. The second edition. To which is added, The London-distiller: exactly and truly shewing the way (in words at length, and not in mysterious Characters and Figures) to Draw all Sorts of Spirits and Strong-waters: To which is added their Vertues: With the Additions of other Excellent Waters. 4° London, Printed by E. Cotes, for Thomas Williams 1653 Ferguson Nat Union Cat Wisconsin