
832.4 John FRENCH. The Art of Distillation: Or, A Treatise of the choicest Spagryical Preparations, Experiments, and Curiosities, performed by way of Distillation. Together with the description of the choicest Furnaces and Vessels used by Ancient and Modern Chymists. And the Anatomy of Gold and Silver; with the chiefest Preparations and Curiosities thereof; together with their Vertues. In six books. By John French Dr. in Physick. To which is added in this Fourth Impression. Sublimation and Calcination: In Two Books. As also, The London-distiller Exactly and truly shewing the way (in words at length, and not in mysterious Characters and Figures) to draw all sorts of Spirits and Strong-waters; Together their Vertues, and other Excellent Waters. 4° London: Printed by E. Cotes for T. Williams 1667 Ferguson Young British Library [At the end of Book VI are:
1. The Process of the Elixir, according to Paracelsus.
2. The Process of the Elixir, according to Divi Leschi Genus Amo.
3. The Process of the Philosophers-Stone according to Pontanus.
4. The Smaragdine table of Hermes from whence Alchymie did arise.]