
1000 J. GROSMAN. A Treatise for the Service of Chemistry in General; Exhibiting the Universal and Specific Principles of Body; The Simple and Uniform Proceedure of Nature, in Petrification, in producing Minerals, and, the Generation of Gold. To which is added, The most accurate Process for dulcifying Corrosives. The Medicine of Wedelius, and Paracelsus for the Gout. Medicines for the Scurvy, the Stone, and the Palsy. Considerations on the Lues Venerea, with its Cure without Mercury. Together with several curious Philosophic Experiments, the Reason why the Fulminant Gold strikes downwards, and the true Bohemian Paste for Precious Stones. By J. Grosman, M.A. of the University of Prague. 4° London: Printed for J. Millan, near Whitehall 1766 Ferguson Wisconsin