
2275.1 William SALMON. Medicina Practica: or, Practical Physick. Shewing The Method of Curing the most Usual Diseases happening to Human Bodies... To which is added, The philosophick Works of Hermes Trismegistus, Kalid Persicus, Geber Arabs, Artefius Longævus, Nicholas Flammel, Roger Bachon, and George Ripley. All Translated out of The best Latin Editions, into English; and Carefully Claused, or divided into Chapters, and Sections, for the Pleasant Reading, and easier Understanding of those Authors. Together with a singular comment upon the first book of Hermes, the most Ancient of Philosophers. The whole Compleated in Three Books. By William Salmon, Professor of Physick... 8° London: Printed by W. Bonny, for Tho. Howkins and John Harris 1692 Ferguson Young Wisconsin [Contains:-
1. Hermes Trismegistus, The Golden Work.
2. Kalid, Secreta Alchymiæ.
3. Geber. The Sum.
4. Artephius Longævus, Liber Secretus.
5. Nicholas Flamel, The Hieroglyphicks.
6. Roger Bacon. Radix Mundi.
7. Roger Bacon. Speculum Alchimiae.
8. George Ripley. The Marrow of Alchymie.]