
2385.1 Daniel SENNERT. Thirteen books of natural philosophy: viz. I. Of the Principles, and common Adjuncts of all Natural Bodies. II. Of the Heavens, the World, and Elements. III. Of Action, Passion, Generation, and Corruption. IV. Of Meteors. V. Of Minerals and Metals. VI. Of the Soul in general, and of things Vegetable. VII. Of Animals or living Creatures. VIII. Of Man. Unto which is added five books more of natural philosophy in several discourses. IX. Discourse 1. Of the Principles of Natural Things. X. Dis. 2. Concerning the Occult and Hidden Qualities. XI. Dis. 3. Of Atomes and Mixture. XII. Dis. 4. Of the Generation of Live Things. XIII. Dis. 5. Concerning the Spontaneous Generation of Live Things. Written in Latin and English. By Daniel Sennert... Nicholas Culpepper... Abdiah Cole... 2° London: printed by Peter Cole 1660 Young