
201.1 Johann Joachim BECHER. Magnalia Naturę: Or, the Philosophers Stone lately expos'd to publick Sight and Sale. Being A true and exact Account of the Manner how Wenceslaus Seilerus The late Famous Projection-maker, at the Emperours Court, at Vienna, came by, and made away with a very great Quantity of Pouder of Projection, by projecting with it before the Emperor, and a great many Witnesses, selling it, &c for some years past. Published at the Request, and for the satisfaction of several Curious, especially of Mr. Boyl, &c. By John Joachim Becher, One of the Council of the Emperor, and a Commissioner for the Examination of this Affair. 4° London: printed for Tho. Dawks, sold also by La. Curtiss 1680 Ferguson Nat Union Cat Wisconsin