
2634.1 Baro URBIGERUS, pseud. Aphorismi Urbigerani, or Certain Rules, Clearly demonstrating the Three Infallible Ways of Preparing the Grand Elixir or Circulatum majus of the Philosophers, Discovering the Secret of Secrets, and Detecting the Errors of Vulgar Chymists in their Operations: Contain'd in one Hundred and One Aphorisms: To which are added, the Three Ways of preparing the Vegetable Elixir or Circulatum minus: all deduc'd from Never-Erring Experience. By Baro Urbigerus, A Servant of God in the Kingdom of Nature. 8° London, Printed for H. Faithorne 1690 Ferguson British Library Wisconsin [Contains:-
2. Circulatum minus Urbigeranum, Or the Philosophical Elixir of Vegetables, With The Three certain Ways of Preparing it, fully and clearly set forth in One and Thirty Aphorisms.]