
2647.7 Basilius VALENTINUS. Basilius Valentinus, Monk, of the Order of St. Bennet: His last Will and Testament. Which being alone, He hid under a Table of Marble, behinde the High-Altar of the Cathedral Church, in the Imperial City of Erford: leaving it there to be found by him, whom Gods Providence should make worthy of it. Wherein, he sufficiently, declares the wayes he wrought to obtain the Philosophers Stone: which he taught unto his fellow Collegians, so that they all attained the said Philosophers Stone, whereby not onely the leprous bodies of the impure, and inferior Metals are reduced unto the pure and perfect body of Gold and Silver, but also all manner of diseases whatsoever are cured in the bodies of unhealthfull men, and kept thereby in perfect health unto the prolonging of their lives. A Work long expected. 8° London, Printed by W.B. for T. Davis 1658 Ferguson British Library