
495.1 Collectanea Chymica: A Collection Of Ten Several Treatises In Chymistry, Concerning The Liquor Alkahest, The Mercury of Philosophers, and other Curiosities worthy the Perusal. Written by Eir. Philaletha, Anonymus, Joh. Bapt. Van-Helmont, Dr. Fr. Antonie, Bernhard Earl of Trevisan, Sir Geo. Ripley, Rog. Bacon, Geo. Starkey, Sir Hugh Platt, and the Tomb of Semiramis, see more in the Contents. 12° London: Printed for W. Cooper 1683-4 Ferguson Young Nat Union Cat British Library Wisconsin [Contains:
1. Eirenęus Philaletha, Arcanum, or secret of the immortal Liquor Alkahest.
2. The Practice of Lights.
3. Joh. Bapt. Van Helmont, Pręcipiolum.
4. Fr. Antonie, Aurum Potabile.
5. Berhard of Trevisan, Treatise.
6. George Ripley, Bosome-book.
7. Roger Bacon, Speculum Alchymię.
8. George Starkey, Oil of Sulphur-vive.
9. Hugh Platts, Remedies against Famine.
10. H.V.D. Tumba Semiramidis.]