Hermetic Journal 1990 Back to Hermetic Journal page.
The Impact of Freemasonry on Elizabethan Literature - Ron Heisler
Michael Sendivogius and Christian Rosenkreutz - Rafal Prinke
Some Hidden Sources of the Florentine Renaissance - Graham Knight
A Short Confession of Henry Khunrath
The Everburning Lights ascribed to Trithemius
The Vision of Ben Adam
The Sevenfold Adam Kadmon and His Sephiroth - Paul Krzok
The Spine in Kabbalah - Paul Krzok
Philip Ziegler - The Rosicrucian "King of Jerusalem" - Ron Heisler
Towards Gnosis: Exegesis of Valle-Inclán's la lampara Maravillosa. - Robert Lima
The Journey of Frederick Gall
General Rainsford : An Alchemical and Rosicrucian Enthusiast - Adam McLean
A Letter from a Hermetic Philosopher from Ms in British Library
Shakespeare and Rosicrucianism - Ron Heisler
Two Diagrams of D.A. Freher
Some Golden Moments - Nick Kollerstrom
A5 paperback. 169 pages. Many illustrations.
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