The Hermetic Research Series
In general, this series will include essays and new research on hermetic subjects, and collections of hermetic texts. This series is intended to produce lower priced books to complement the hardcover Magnum Opus series. They will not be available in bookshops but can be purchased only by mail order. Although these are in paperback format, they are specialist items produced in very small batches, so it is not possible to price them as mass market paperbacks. However, they will provide some interesting hermetic material at prices about a third of that of the hardbound Magnum Opus editions.
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No. 4. A Compendium on the Rosicrucian Vault
Edited by Adam McLean
This series of eight essays and two source texts on the theme of the vault of the Rosicrucians, was published in 1984 to mark the 500th anniversary of the symbolic founding of the vault of C.R. in 1484 as recounted in the Fama fraternitatis. The essays are entitled:-
The Great Work in the Theatre of the World
Some Remarks on the Vault of Christian Rosenkreutz
The Symbolism of the Rosicrucian Vault
The Rosicrucian Vault as Sepulchre and Wedding Chamber
The Rosicrucian Vault - An Interpretation of the Fama fraternitatis
The Naometria of Simon Studion: Parallels with the symbolism of the Vault
Michael Maier's Atalanta fugiens emblems: links with the archetypal symbolism of the Vault.
130 pages. 34 Illustrations. A5 paperback.