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Latest Forshaw: Hermetica in the Works of Michael Maier - Printable Version

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Latest Forshaw: Hermetica in the Works of Michael Maier - Paul Ferguson - 04-12-2024

"1617 was a particularly impressive year for the 49-year old Michael Maier (1568Ȯ 1622), with a Ěurry of publications: the pro-Rosicrucian Silentium Post Clamores ( Silence after the Clamour ), a trial and defense of an alchemical owl, Jocus Severus ( Severe Joke ), warnings of alchemical fraud, Examen Fucorum-Pseudo-Chymicorum ( Swarm of Pseudo-Chymical Drones ), the beautifully illustrated multimedia emblem book, Atalanta fugiens ( Atalanta fleeing), and the focus of this essay, the Symbola Aureae Mensae Duodecim Nationum (The Symbols of the Golden Table of Twelve Nations )."