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Latin Alchemical Literature of Czech Provenance - Printable Version

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Latin Alchemical Literature of Czech Provenance - Paul Ferguson - 06-08-2023

Full text/English

John A. Norris:
Agricola’s Bermannus: A Dialogue of Mineralogical Humanism
and Empiricism in the Mines of Jáchymov ............................................................... 7
Martin Žemla:
Valentin Weigel and Alchemy .....................................................................................21
Ivo Purš:
Perspective, Vision and Dream: Notes on the Plate “Oratory-Laboratory”
in Heinrich Khunrath’s Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae ............................50
Jakub Hlaváček:
Cosmological and Alchemical Aspects of the Body, Soul and Spirit
Triad in Heinrich Khunrath’s Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae .................90
György E. Szönyi:
Layers of Meaning in Alchemy in John Dee’s Monas hieroglyphica
and its Relevance in a Central European Context ............................................. 100
Rafał T. Prinke:
New Light on Michael Sendivogius’ Writings: The Tretises Written
in Prague and Maybe in Olomouc .......................................................................... 131
Jiří Michalík:
Wenceslaus Lavinius of Ottenfeld (1550–May 1602)
and His Earthly Heaven ............................................................................................... 148