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Tibetan Alchemy - Printable Version

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Tibetan Alchemy - Paul Ferguson - 09-07-2023

Alchemical Gold and the Pursuit of the Mercurial Elixir

An Analysis of Two Alchemical Treatises from the Tibetan Buddhist Canon

by Carmen Simioli

"This article focuses on the analysis of two Tibetan treatises on iatrochemistry, The Treatise on the Mercurial Elixir (Dngul chu grub pa’i bstan bcos) and the Compendium on the Transmutation into Gold (Gser ’gyur bstan bcos bsdus pa). These texts belong to the rasaśāstra genre that were translated from Sanskrit into Tibetan by Orgyenpa Rinchenpel (O rgyan pa Rin chen dpal, 1229/30–1309) and integrated into the Tibetan Buddhist Canon of the Tengyur (Bstan ’gyur)."

Full text.