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The Alchemy of the Voice at Ephrata Cloister - Printable Version

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The Alchemy of the Voice at Ephrata Cloister - Paul Ferguson - 10-17-2023

Jan Stryz, Michigan State University

"No physical experimentation with metals or stones is involved in the alchemy that I will examine here. But under the direction of their founder and "Father," Conrad Beissel, the choral group at Ephrata cloister did engage in work that can be defined as alchemical. The principles that governed the composition of the tunes mirrored alchemical relations; the dietary regulations imposed on choral group members aimed at the spiritualization of the voice; and the relations between Beissel and the group members were tinctured with the drama of the alchemical love and war that played out within him. In the wilderness of Pennsylvania, during the mid-eighteenth century, Beissel invented his own idiosyncratic version of alchemy from those pieces of Boehmean theosophy he absorbed as a young man in Germany."

See also:

LIGHT DAWNING: Gichtel, Boehme, Ephrata, and the Origin of Rosicrucian Mysticism in the New World.
Holmes Publishing Group, 2005. 1558184686. Original translation and commentary on the work of J.G. Gichtel, his influence on Ephrata, and that group's relationship to Jacob Boehme. Much of the first part is an allegorical interpretation of the Chymical Wedding, one of the Rosicrucian source documents of the early 17th century. Part Two is on the dichotomy of "True and False Magic". Rare illustrations. Hand made, custom bound with special papers, and patapar [grease-resistant paper].