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Nordensjköld: A plain system of alchymy - Printable Version

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Nordensjköld: A plain system of alchymy - Paul Ferguson - 11-05-2023

Martha Keith Schuchard writes: "Determined to collaborate with [the medical doctor and alchemist] Dr. Levison, Nordensjköld traveled to London in 1779, where he moved into the Jew’s residence in Soho Square (nearby Rainsford’s home in the square). In December Nordensjköld and Levison began printing A Plain System of Alchymy, which combined Swedenborgian metaphysics with practical chemistry. They interrupted the printing when they decided to travel to Stockholm in order to solicit the sponsorship of Gustav III for their alchemical endeavors.”

Only the first 16 pages were printed. Available as a pdf from the link below - click on 'Klicka här för att ladda ner filen'