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Conference: Reimagining Allegory in Alchemy
A two-day conference

Location: Venice, Palazzo Giustinian Lolin (University of Warwick Venice Centre)

Dates: 16-17 June 2025

Organizer: Sergei Zotov

Keynote speaker: Jennifer M. Rampling

Submission deadline: 15 April 2025


"Alchemy is often associated with the imagery of flasks, furnaces, and laboratories. However, the universe of alchemical iconography extends far beyond these familiar motifs, encompassing a rich tapestry of symbols and allegories tied to both chemical processes and cultural phenomena. Thanks to extensive archival efforts and digitisation projects, we now have access to thousands of alchemical image series preserved in manuscripts and printed books. How might our understanding of this visual tradition deepen if we approach alchemical allegorical iconography using the same methodologies applied to other forms of imagery — such as iconographic analysis and the study of text-image relationships?"

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