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Diane di Prima's Occult Library
Another Beat poet with an interest in alchemy.

"During the 1970s, the poet Diane di Prima found herself with burgeoning research needs for occult materials. For her poetry, she had recently “received” by poetic dictation the first few poems of what would become her mythological epic, Loba, and found herself delving deeply into premodern religious and spiritual practice, including goddess traditions and ancient civilizations. At this same time, spurred by a request to write the introduction to A.E. Waite’s new edition of works by Paracelsus, di Prima also became heavily invested in alchemy, devouring the hermetic texts associated with this early modern practice."

A catalogue of her library here:

Her poem "Paracelsus" here:

See also:


("Diane di Prima, on this Summer Solstice 1974 occasion, reads her poem "Dream: The Loba Reveals Herself," then turns to her notebook to read more from her continuing long poem Loba.")

Another article about her here:

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