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Video: Furnace and Fugue: An Alchemical Happy Hour
"Written by alchemist Michael Maier in 1618, Atalanta Fugiens reinterprets Ovid’s legend of Atalanta as an alchemical allegory in a series of fifty emblems. This remarkable book has recently been reimagined in multimedia form as Furnace and Fugue, a digital critical edition that allows contemporary readers to hear, see, manipulate, and investigate Atalanta Fugiens in ways that were impossible to realize in full before now. How was Atalanta Fugiens imagined by its 17th-century author and reimagined in Furnace and Fugue? What secrets are unlocked when we look at an old book in a new way? These are just some of the topics we tackled during our Alchemical Happy Hour on October 29, 2020."

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