01-26-2025, 04:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2025, 08:37 PM by Paul Ferguson.)
"Russell Yoder's roots are in the radical Pietist tradition of Ephrata* and the Universalist tradition of his Family's ancestral mentor and mage, George de Benneville**. Common to both aspects of this heritage is an awareness of "alchemy" as a tool for effecting physical and spiritual change in our perceived reality -- perception being the key, of course; or as our seminal source of inspiration, Jacob Boehme has it,"our world must be made heaven, and heaven the world."
* Ephrata in Pennsylvania is noteworthy for having been the former seat of the Mystic Order of the Solitary, a semimonastic order of Seventh-Day Dunkers. The community, which contained both men and women, was founded by Johann Conrad Beissel in 1732.
** De Benneville:
"Born in London on July 25, 1703 to aristocratic Huguenot French parents in the court of Queen Anne, de Benneville served as a sailor during his adolescent years, traveling around the world and began to question his religion and compare it to other world religions. He shed his Huguenot religion, developed his own ideas about Christianity, and became a preacher while still in his teens. De Benneville had a mystical experience and later a near death experience that he described in The Life and Trance of Dr. George De Benneville."
Books by and about De Benneville here:
* Ephrata in Pennsylvania is noteworthy for having been the former seat of the Mystic Order of the Solitary, a semimonastic order of Seventh-Day Dunkers. The community, which contained both men and women, was founded by Johann Conrad Beissel in 1732.
** De Benneville:
"Born in London on July 25, 1703 to aristocratic Huguenot French parents in the court of Queen Anne, de Benneville served as a sailor during his adolescent years, traveling around the world and began to question his religion and compare it to other world religions. He shed his Huguenot religion, developed his own ideas about Christianity, and became a preacher while still in his teens. De Benneville had a mystical experience and later a near death experience that he described in The Life and Trance of Dr. George De Benneville."
Books by and about De Benneville here: