08-06-2023, 09:53 AM
By Alexander Boxer.
"THIS site has been designed to present the Steganographia of Trithemius as an ‘interactive book’. I enjoy translating old texts, I enjoy making interactive tools to explore those texts, and I believe a platform of this sort is long overdue. Very simply, this site is a WordPress back-end with a customized front-end (‘theme’) developed expressly to facilitate transcribing and translating old texts in installments. I find that the WordPress core is ideal for organizing the sprawling content of a project like this into handy database tables. More significantly, my hope is that a platform of this sort may foster meaningful collaboration, both in terms of its handling of ‘blog-like’ comments and discussion, and also in its ability to manage multiple contributors should ever that opportunity arise."
"THIS site has been designed to present the Steganographia of Trithemius as an ‘interactive book’. I enjoy translating old texts, I enjoy making interactive tools to explore those texts, and I believe a platform of this sort is long overdue. Very simply, this site is a WordPress back-end with a customized front-end (‘theme’) developed expressly to facilitate transcribing and translating old texts in installments. I find that the WordPress core is ideal for organizing the sprawling content of a project like this into handy database tables. More significantly, my hope is that a platform of this sort may foster meaningful collaboration, both in terms of its handling of ‘blog-like’ comments and discussion, and also in its ability to manage multiple contributors should ever that opportunity arise."