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Pansophia and Perfection
The Nature of Utopia in the Early Seventeenth Century

Thesis by Michael James Macaulay.

 “The Rosicrucian manifestos show specific leanings to particular forms of Renaissance magic. Astrology is largely ignored, while natural magic and Kabbalah are only briefly mentioned in order to show how defective they had been before 'CRC' had found them. It may also be significant that 'CRC' turned his back on Egypt, the home of Hermes Trismegistus. The most important occult practice in the manifestos is, overwhelmingly alchemy. Alchemical references permeate throughout the manifestos. CRC's tomb can be seen as a recreation of an alchemist's laboratory, with its lamps and instruments. Even the 'artificial songs' are more alchemical than Orphic. It was a popular notion that music would aid the production of the philosopher's stone: Maier, for example, produced several alchemical compositions. Though it has not, to my knowledge, been suggested before, the life of 'CRC' could be an allegory for the spread of alchemical knowledge into Europe.”

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