12-27-2024, 03:45 PM
Barbara Obrist.
Les débuts de l'imagerie alchimique: XIV-XV siecles. Paris: Le Sycomore / Féodalisme, 1992. First Edition. Softcover, Octavo. 328 pp. [+72 pp of plates] . Printed glossy card covers with flaps. B&W and colour illustrations. FRENCH TEXT. A scholarly study of the birth of alchemical iconography in mediaeval Europe, during the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries.
Les débuts de l'imagerie alchimique: XIV-XV siecles. Paris: Le Sycomore / Féodalisme, 1992. First Edition. Softcover, Octavo. 328 pp. [+72 pp of plates] . Printed glossy card covers with flaps. B&W and colour illustrations. FRENCH TEXT. A scholarly study of the birth of alchemical iconography in mediaeval Europe, during the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries.