09-19-2023, 07:36 PM
"Shannon Grimes, professor and head of the Department of Religious and Ethical Studies, just published her first book, Becoming Gold: Zosimos of Panopolis and the Alchemical Arts in Roman Egypt. It’s the first book in a series on Greco-Egyptian alchemy. Her book offers a new perspective on early alchemy and its origins.
“I’m very interested in religious views of the natural world,” said Grimes. “My expertise is in religion in the Greco-Roman world, so alchemy, which emerged during this period and combines religion and chemistry, is something that intrigued me.”
“I’m very interested in religious views of the natural world,” said Grimes. “My expertise is in religion in the Greco-Roman world, so alchemy, which emerged during this period and combines religion and chemistry, is something that intrigued me.”