07-20-2023, 03:57 PM
From Huginus à Barma, Paris, 1780
07-21-2023, 11:33 AM
Text here:
https://archive.org/details/Smith5401H87...1/mode/2up Illustration faces page 158. Translation on sale here: https://rubedo.press/reign-of-saturn "Composed in Moravia in 1649, and published in Paris in 1657, the Reign of Saturn emerged amidst the royal Hermeticists of the Holy Roman Empire. Bearing the distinct philosophical influence of Paracelsus, the Cosmopolitan, and the central salt manuscripts of Michael Sendivogius, this unique text is consecrated to the Aqua Sapientum—the Water of the Wise which ‘does not wet the hands’. This water, like the waters of creation and destruction which form the root of ancient cosmologies, underpins the philosophy and praxis of all alchemical transmutation." Facing page 22 of this text, this curious figure:
07-23-2023, 08:11 AM
Hmm, Moravia. This is Bonacina territory.
https://alchemywebsite.com/bookshop/mohs37.html And... "Today, you can see Dr. Bonacina's alchemical laboratory and the richly decorated chambers of the castle. And if you like mysteries and surprises, visit the municipal museum. See exotic artefacts from around the world and meet the mummy of the Egyptian princess Hereret. Mysterious and beautiful is the town of Moravská Třebová. Do not hesitate to explore its beauty!" https://en.pokladnicezazitku.cz/about-th...alchemist/ |
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