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Charles Williams: Alchemy and Integration
By Gavin Ashenden.

"He was a close friend of T. S. Eliot, deeply admired by C. S. Lewis, inspirational for W. H. Auden in his journey to faith, and a literary sparring partner for J. R. R. Tolkien. Yet half a century after his death, much of Charles Williams’s life and work remains an enigma. The questions that arose from his immersion in Rosicrucian and hermetic culture and ideology―central to understanding Williams’s thought and art remain provocatively unexplored. For a decade of his early adulthood, Williams was a member of the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, a form of neo-Rosicrucianism. There is widespread confusion about its nature, which is to be expected given that this was a semisecret society. Though Williams left his formal association with it behind, it enriched and informed his imaginative world with a hermetic myth that expressed itself in an underlying ideology and metaphysics."

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Charles Williams: Alchemy and Integration - by Paul Ferguson - 01-06-2025, 10:37 PM

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